Please become a supporter of our music projects!
financial support
We look forward to receiving your donations. They’ll enable musical education for children and young people in refugee settlements. There are many parts of the world, where displaced people are warmly received, but are not offered any real chance to make it out. Your financial support makes cultural projects possible on-site - where they are most needed. Your support will help these marginalised people to integrate into their new environment.
musical instruments needed
If you are unable to donate financially there are other ways in which you can support us! Musical instruments such as string instruments, brass instruments, electric guitars, basses as well as keyboards are highly welcome. To donate an instrument is the most direct way to help. It enables more children and adolescents to take part in our programs and to receive musical training.
Your donation is tax deductible. For donations up to €300, the bank statement is sufficient as proof. If your donation is over €300, we will be happy to issue you with a donation receipt. Please be sure to include your name, e-mail and postal address. Thanks very much!
bank account
our donation account:
IBAN: DE28 7025 0150 0029 141934
Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg
Reach our donation account via this PayPal direct link.